Archive for the ‘homemade baby food’ Tag

March Marched on and Now It’s April!   1 comment

Wow! Where does the time go?? March has come and gone. And now April is steadily ticking by. My sweet baby boy is almost 7 months old! He’s learning so many things so quickly.

  He has recently learned to sit up by himself. He’s still wobbly, but getting steadier every day.

W sitting in the grass
What IS this green stuff?

It won’t be long until he starts trying to crawl! I am not quite ready for a mobile little boy yet!  He is growing up too fast. But I love every minute I get to spend with him. My favorite part of the day is picking him up from daycare and seeing his smiling face!

Some people might make fun of me for taking so many pictures, but I am so glad that I do! I love looking back at all of the little moments that are so easy to forget.

Must've been a good book

 Take this one minute in time. He was playing in his pack n play and got quiet. I happen to go check on him and this is what I find. He fell sound asleep with his ABC book on his face. Now I might have just laughed and moved it but I am so glad I decided to capture it! Now I can look back and think how silly he is with his love of putting everything on his face!

He is also learning how to drink water from a sippy cup! It’s a work in progress. I’m really hoping he will develope a love of water, unlike his mama! We’ve got 3 different types of sippy cups so hopefully one will work to his satisfaction. He is also moving right along with his solid foods. He’s now up to rice cereal, oatmeal. bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, apples, green beans, peas, pureed ham (just a taste for easter but he loved it!), and baby yogurt. We will be trying carrots this week. I LOVE my Baby Bullet. I am very sad though that I am not allowed to take homemade baby food to daycare. So far everything that William loves at home, he can’t stand as store bought baby food. SO for now he just gets oatmeal during the day.

Sippy Cup fun!

We have also recently started cloth diapering! I will write a blog for that by itself. But I am actually enjoying it… go figure! There are so many things that happen so fast it’s hard to hold on to all them all! But I will try my best!

Posted April 10, 2012 by mylifeismagical in Uncategorized

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